Silver Antibiotic Stewardship Award

July 22, 2024

Mille Lacs Health System was recently awarded the Silver Antibiotic Stewardship Award. This initiative has been led by Dr. Tom Bracken and Anna Crotty, PharmD. It is truly a team effort for all medical providers throughout the facility to make it a priority.

Anna Crotty, PharmD explains, "Antibiotic stewardship means using antibiotics responsibly. That is the goal of our program at Mille Lacs Health System. Bugs (called bacteria) can develop resistance that, in turn, makes antibiotics less likely to work. It is important to remember that antibiotics do not work against viruses, such as the common cold. If antibiotics are needed, it is important to take the whole course, exactly as prescribed. We all have a part to play in preventing resistance."

The antibiotic stewardship award has three levels, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The Bronze award demonstrates that a hospital has demonstrated a facility-wide commitment to antibiotic stewardship. The silver award is for hospitals that are practicing actions towards antibiotic stewardship such as antibiotic use tracking and reporting, prescribing guidelines, and more. The gold award which is the next goal for Mille Lacs Health System is awarded to facilities recognized for looking beyond their facility to practice antibiotic stewardship in a collaborative way.

Antibiotic stewardship has long been a priority of Mille Lacs Health System, but the commitment to the program started in the fall of 2023.

The Minnesota Department of Health reports that an estimated 30% of all antibiotics prescribed in the U.S. are either unnecessary or suboptimal. Antibiotics are life-saving against common infections, but we need to protect the resource so it doesn’t become ineffective.

Dr. Rebecca Muwanse shares, “Antibiotic stewardship is our commitment to safeguarding effective treatment for bacterial infections - using the right antibiotics wisely!  Viruses are behind most respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses, and they don't respond to antibiotics. Our immune system is our natural defender against them, boosted by good nutrition and hydration. I am proud to be a part of the Mille Lacs Health System, where we honor the responsibility to protect our community by using antibiotics judiciously, ensuring they're effective when truly needed”.