Free at-home COVID test kits and masks

July 13, 2022

Mille Lacs Health System is providing free convenient at-home COVID-19 test kits for anyone who requests them. Simply stop in at any of the four clinics in Onamia, Isle, Garrison, and Hillman and take one or more free kits to do your own COVID-19 tests for you and your family in the comfort of your own home. The tests are called QuickVue® At-Home OTC COVID-19 Test and are produced by Quidel, a trusted worldwide American manufacturer of diagnostic healthcare products. The tests are authorized under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA. 

Free masks are also available.

The COVID-19 at-home tests are comfortable and have easy-to-follow graphic and written instructions in both English and Spanish. The tests take only ten minutes and there is no advance preparation. One simply swabs both nostrils and places the swab in a tube for one minute. A test strip is then inserted into the test tube and after ten minutes one’s results can be measured on an easy-to-read scale.  If one’s test is positive, one should immediately seek the care of a healthcare provider.  If the test is positive, all members of the household should also be tested.

The tests work for ages 2 and up. For ages 2 to 14, an adult must collect and test the specimen.

Each test kit contains two tests and if you have symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, chills, cough, headaches, shortness of breath, fatigue, and muscle and body aches you can use one test. If you do not have symptoms of COVID-19, you will need at least two tests per person within 24-48 hours.

One recent Morrison County patient of the Mille Lacs Health System stated, “I was worried about my husband who was exhibiting all the symptoms of COVID-19. I got the test kit from Mille Lacs Health System and he tested positive so now we understand what it is we need to do. It’s a relief to have an answer.”

Vicki Engmark, Manager of Infection Prevention at Mille Lacs Health System says, “The Minnesota Department of Health reports the circulating strain is a subvariant of Omicron. Home test kits can identify the Omicron and subvariant strains of COVID-19. The symptoms of this strain often mimic those of a common cold.  Taking a home test when symptoms appear, helps to identify the cause and people can get the treatment they need and prevent future spread. The ultimate goals are to identify, treat and prevent spread.”